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In this cosmic play of Immaculate Entropy occurring in the micro and the macro levels of life at all times and in all places, we experience order moving into chaos (birth, death, rebirth) over and over again. An endless dance of separating from and returning to the ONE that stretches on into infinity.
And if we were to speed it up and look at that process, it would appear to be a blossoming and emanation of everything that has and ever will exist, coming into fullness and then un-making itself, using the energy of the collapse as the fuel to self-perpetuate, beginning the whole cycle anew once again.
Only the Feminine Essence possesses this preeminent domain over all life cycles.
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We will talk about this more in our next meeting.
Transmission #1 ~ Reflection
Spend time in active contemplation with this transmission this week. (Check out The Art of Contemplation below.)
Notice what shifts in your awareness, in your body, how you speak and hold yourself in stillness without fear of needing to be active and productive.
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You can join us in 13 Treasures anytime. If you decide to join this first round in the Triad of DNA Activations, you will receive a discount on each of the following Activation series.
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The Art of Contemplation
What is Contemplation?
Contemplation is a technique that helps you to become more aware of your inner world – your unconscious – in order that you can understand and transform certain fears and issues that may be blocking you from experiencing a deep sense of fulfilment and purpose in life.
How can Contemplation change your life for the better?
As you practice contemplation, so you will begin to unlock the vast potential you have inside. The technique will also help you to find a new rhythm and flow in all areas of your life, releasing any patterns of anxiety and connecting you to a wellspring of creativity. Over a period of time, it may seem as though a miracle has happened to you – you will find a level of ease and open-hearted stability that will flow through all your relationships and activities.
How do I do it?
You begin by creating small pauses in your everyday life, so that you can begin to breathe and find space for your inner world to emerge. Contemplation is similar to meditation or mindfulness, but is easier, less formal, more creative and more enjoyable.
I invite you to take your first step in practicing contemplation for a minimum of 3 minutes, 3 times a day.
The effect of taking little pauses each day is immediate. You will soon begin to feel like there is a flow coming into each day, just because you are giving yourself these little breaks.
As you deepen into your contemplation, particularly if you are also using the Gene Keys as well, you will occasionally experience breakthroughs in which you experience very real shifts in your life.
Over longer periods, contemplation will gradually help you to open your heart wider, bringing new energy and empathy into your relationships. It will also help you find an incredible lucidity in decision-making, which will bring all manner of prosperity into your life.
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In this cosmic play of Immaculate Entropy occurring in the micro and the macro levels of life at all times and in all places, we experience order moving into chaos (birth, death, rebirth) over and over again. An endless dance of separating from and returning to the ONE that stretches on into infinity.
And if we were to speed it up and look at that process, it would appear to be a blossoming and emanation of everything that has and ever will exist, coming into fullness and then un-making itself, using the energy of the collapse as the fuel to self-perpetuate, beginning the whole cycle anew once again.
Only the Feminine Essence possesses this preeminent domain over all life cycles.