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13 Treasures

DNA Activation, Restructure and Solar Regenesis.

You are intricately bound to that which you observe.

When your perspective shifts around that which you witness, what you witness changes. This is true of everything.

Especially your genetic codes and energetic signatures in your DNA, when investigated and contemplated from the vantage point of your Higher Self.

It is a dance-- the process of letting go of the hard edges and linear structure of logic and reason and softening into the curves of life, where you yield to the ecstatic surrender to the Truth that there is no completion of anything, only unending spirals, cycles and curves, one flowing into another into infinity.

There is no destination or level of attainment that can satisfy the deepest, densest desires of self-inquiry. The deeper you probe, you find that completion (attainment) is only and ever a sense of a next stage or a new cycle beginning.

There are no answers, no great hidden meaning of LIFE to be discovered, no purpose to fulfill.

This can either riddle you with anxiety and fill you with doubt, or it can liberate you so you are available for All of LIFE to flow through you.

The only meanings in Life that matter are the ones you create and live by.

The more you let go and surrender into this, the more the ecstatic and exotic world of curves, spirals and cycles reveals itself to you, unveiling your True North's winding path that veers and meanders, but is always, ALWAYS MEANT FOR YOU.

This cannot even be attained, only allowed.

Just as the codes of your higher genetic destiny can only be allowed, contemplated and observed. And as that process unfolds with an open heart, sense of innocence and wonder, those codes ACTIVATE and EXPRESS themselves without restraint, becoming mirrored in your external world and deepen you into the mystery of your own unfolding and unveiling of your Sacred Human Blueprint.

13 Treasures creates a vortex of energy that draws in the photonic light codes and wisdom of the higher dimensions and timelines of your Christos, Homo Sanctus Blueprint, your human legacy of light. These 'instruction sets' become activated by our attention and observation of these 13 Treasures as we explore and visit with each one:

~ Womb and the Tomb

~ The Cauldron and the Promethean Flame

~ True North Keycode

~ Time Tantrika

~ Portal of Tara (Pre-History Earth Records)

~ Genius Fractal (Diversity IS Oneness)

~ House of the Immortal Spirit

~ Quintessence

~ Superabundance

~ Syntropy, Synergy, Synthesis

~ Homo Sanctus (Sacred Human) Fractal

~ Liberation

~ Regenesis

Through the DNA codes you hold, you are a holographic microcosm and reflection of the macrocosm of the entire cosmological order. A return to Spiritual Order within and without.

This 7-week journey takes us through an exploration, activation, restructuring and REGENESIS of your DNA by unwinding shadow veils and discord, transfiguring it to restore light and accord through a method that can be best described as Sacred DNA Activation meets the Gene Keys meets Physical Body Ascension.

The pleasure, play, joy, passion and purpose you want to feel cannot be attained, only allowed and permitted to radiate from, by, through and AS YOU.

This journey will illuminate all of that and more which has been shrouded by the fixed beliefs, assumptions and uncertainty paradoxes presented by your felt sense of duality.

What is offered in 13 Treasures are not answers, (because life is not a mystery to be solved) but rather a multidimensional perspective and higher frequency lens through which you observe the shadows, changes and challenges of life as the darkness that incubates all emergence of light.

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Womb and The Tomb DNA Activation

In this cosmic play of Immaculate Entropy occurring in the micro and the macro levels of life at all times and in all places, we experience order moving into chaos (birth, death, rebirth) over and over again. An endless dance of separating from and returning to the ONE that stretches on into infinity.

And if we were to speed it up and look at that process, it would appear to be a blossoming and emanation of everything that has and ever will exist, coming into fullness and then un-making itself, using the energy of the collapse as the fuel to self-perpetuate, beginning the whole cycle anew once again.

Only the Feminine Essence possesses this preeminent domain over all life cycles.

The Cauldron and Promethean Flame Activation

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 rekindles the Solar Fire in your DNA memory, where you turn darkness into Light, bringing freshness and renewed vigor to LIFE as you are creating it.

The interdimensional vortex of the 3rd and 4th strands of your DNA affects your Solar Plexus.

This is considered the multidimensional 'Second Brain' that is either sucking vital creative energy from you through an over-stimulated ego-centric engagement with life or a constricted, underactive response to life, in fear of your own self-leadership and agency.

This is also where your awareness of thought is linked directly to the nerve ganglia of the gut, creating the gut/brain axis that transmits emotional stimuli to the central nervous system via the Vagus Nerve.

As we move through the accelerated portals of ascendant energies, this 'Second Brain' is a powerful psychic center in the body that is uniting us back into our Sacred Human status.

True North Keycode

Unveiling the shadow of The Metatronic Reversal to reveal your gift of your true inner compass orientation, your True North.

Time Tantrika

A Time Tantrika is a cage breaker.

Time Rifts are artificial inserts placed on the multidimensional strands of DNA that keep your human/spiritual evolution tethered to Base 10 Math and out of harmonic congruence with Base 12 Math.

Base 10 Math is a distortion of Creation Codes of Universality (Base 12 Math) that represent the true cycles of Free Energy, available in the Aether.

Tesla knew this. It is why he often referenced the numbers 3, 6 and 9 as holding the secrets for understanding the Universe because they work in vibrational coherence with Base 12 Math and create a harmonic circuit of energy that is self-replicating and is not in finite supply.

In other words, the energy of the 3D Reality Matrix that tethers us to time/space illusion, separation, lack, fear, confusion, frustration, overwhelm, is set at our standard measure of counting-- Base 10.

Base 12 creates precise harmonics and tones of frequencies that are found in the greater cosmological order. These sounds, emanating from frequencies that are congruent with Base 12 Math are akin to plucking the strands of your multidimensional, galactic DNA and tuning it to your highest Sacred Human expression.

*By the way, the first evolution of our Sacred Human expression is represented by someone having 12 activated strands of DNA.

To give an example, the frequency of standard musical tuning used to be 432 Hz. A frequency number divisible by 12. This ripples out Free Energy that is never self-depleting but nourishing and supportive of all life without the need to find an energy source to return to in order to regenerate itself.

That frequency was changed in the last century to 440 Hz, a frequency divisible by 10. If Base 12 casts a wide net of energy in support of the force of life, essentially a toroidal field of repeating waves, then frequencies rooted in Base 10 takes from life force energy. It promotes discord and disconnection, fear and the illusion of separation.

The Time Tantrika coding in your DNA breaks you free of the cage of time and separation, bound by Time Rifts inserts and Matrix Base 10 coding. In this sense, you exist in Time but you are free from the illusion that you are OF it, nor are you bound by its constrictive forces affecting your ability to explore and create new ways of being.

Get ready for some time glitches with this one. It's powerful.

Portal of Tara

We are moving towards the Rhythmic Symphony-- reshaping the planet into the next Star Being incarnation.

Portal of Tara is an opening to your cellular memory of pre-history Earth records.

The future of technology and Earth's advancement is linked to the most ancient history.
That's because it is not linear as we mentally conceptualize it.

It is cyclic and occurs in curves and spirals of Spiritual Time that have everything to do with frequency and consciousness levels that rise in order to match the vibration of the knowledge 'coming to light.'

In this DNA Activation, we explore and 'enlighten' the coding of the 18th interdimensional vortex of your DNA, the 55th Gene Key, your Pathway of Evolution, and the significance of the number 8 and how all of this is leading us beyond the Victim Consciousness of scarcity and density and into the Wealth Consciousness of this planet that has always held the Edenic Code of 'True Being in the Garden.'

The Genius Fractal

This illumination and DNA Activation of the 13th interdimensional vortex of your DNA and the 8th Gene Key reminds you that your own style, your GENIUS is simply being YOU, without concern.

Your genius is a form of rebellion, a liberation from the illusion of security and safety of mediocrity so that you can radiate your true magnetism and exquisiteness.

Mediocrity-- compromising your true nature as a fractal of genius in the cosmic hologram of quantum consciousness, blocks the blossoming of Consciousness knowing itself through the Gift of You in your FULFILLMENT.

The endless florescence and bounteousness of ALL LIFE depends upon your contribution to it.

Compromising your true nature serves the societal status quo and inhibits you from being the hero of your own story.

This must be unlearned, unwound and unbound from your story.

To be on the path of personal evolution without bounds is to be YOURSELF, without concern.

You can't fake a frequency.
And your Genius Fractal is your feral wildness of individuality that adds to the diversity of Consciousness knowing the fullness of itself.

The Quantum Consciousness of the All That Is doesn't want your mediocrity, or your compromise, or your conformity to the go-along to get-along mentality that binds your uniqueness to systems and structures that serve the shadow illusion of stagnancy.

It wants your raw exquisiteness, unbound, honest and free-- like a treasure you give to yourself and the world.

House of the Immortal Spirit

The House of the Immortal Spirit highlights the interdimensional vortex between the 11th and 12th strands of DNA and the 47th Gene Key.

The Transfigured Self is the ultimate 'self-sacrifice' because it is an unwinding of the scrambled and scattered code created by reptilian-brain survival instincts and the identity creation of the lower self.

This is the energetic crucifixion that keeps humanity from knowing the True Alchemy of de-storying the darkness from the amygdala, and unwinding the distorted, corrupted code from the nervous system endocrine system and the limbic system.

When this is effectively destroyed (de-storied), it opens up greater psychic faculties and activates access lines of potential and timeline grids in the Holographic Field that are part of the Immortal Spirit pattern recognition, now fully illuminated.


The Alchemy of Simplicity. The 14th and 15th interdimensional vortices and the 23rd Gene Key. Moving beyond the confines of words and walking into the threshold, the Middle Way of telepathy.


You exist beyond the cult of the individual. Fear rooted in this illusory reality will guide one to be wealth-seeking for individual gain. This is a form of spiritual immaturity that keeps Superabundance out of your reach. Material abundance will always be fleeting, temporary and unsustainable.

Syntropy, Synergy, Synthesis

𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬."𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬."

There is a Continuum of Lightness inside you composed of a Triad of energy entanglements that when contemplated:

~ together, punctuates the time/space fabric of linear reality.

~ creates a crack or a fractal where time slows or halts your experience of 'the problem of you' and brings you into your most fertile state of awareness.

~ breaks you out of the illusion and mind-locks that you are even a problem that can be solved, or that anything is, or that LIFE is a problem to be solved-- since it is all a Mystery inside a Conundrum inside a Paradox.

~ affects greatly all creative individuals who fear the Void, the no-thingness, numbness and emptiness of entropy, (where little to no energy seems to be available for use as fuel for new enterprises) and transmutes this shadow theme into the synergistic lightness of every-thingness.

Sacred Human (Homo Sanctus) Fractal

The Sacred Human Fractal (Home Sanctus) awakens the foundational illumination of your Destiny Channel, the 21st- 22nd Vortex of your DNA and the 49th Gene Key of Rebirth.


The 22nd - 23rd interdimensional DNA vortices and the 39th Gene Key. Provocation as the path to Liberation.


The ending returns us to the beginning. This final activation is the Aurora Activation. Reunion of the illuminated 23rd and 24th interdimensional vortices of DNA and the 64th Gene Key.

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 13 Treasures DNA Activation
 $ 397.00 USD

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