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Tuning the Sonic Anatomy

Tuning Fork Sound Healing Therapy.

Increase your voltage. Recharge the body and mind. Tune your Sonic Anatomy.

Bring balance, vitality and wellbeing to these six bodily systems and their photoelectric fields through sound healing-- Immune System, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Skeletal System and Nervous System.

The subtle yet specific resonant frequencies of tuning forks have healing effects on the body because they can act as mirrors, reflecting back to the body where there is discord in the systems, organs, tissues and cells so it can self-correct and align to a coherent electromagnetic frequency of balance and harmony.

Healing and balance can be achieved in the body quickly with sound healing frequencies.

Sound waves travel four times as fast in water than in air. When activating sound healing frequencies on or around the body, (which is almost 70% water) sonic waves interact with the bioelectric field to recharge and awaken energy storage within cells and tissues, restoring vitality to your entire physical body. This happens even when sonic waves are activated remotely.

Your entire human bioelectric field is an energy system constantly in flux, always trying to reorganize itself to a state of coherence and balance. 

In a world that is rapidly and increasingly trying to reorient itself to the paradigm shift into New Earth, it can seem that one moment you feel ordered and calm-- and the next, you can feel uprooted, ungrounded, disconnected and dissociated from the corporeal body.

This isn't natural and it is not organic to your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing to be in this constant stasis of fight, flight or freeze survival response. And your body is paying the price for it!  But, it doesn't have to...

Come join us for this six-day, two-week restoration, rejuvenation and full body reset with sound healing frequencies.

~ Release blockages of flow in your bodily systems.

~ Create a better, more loving relationship with your body.

~ Stop the cycle of repetitive distortions and disruptions in your field that are causing stress and tension related health issues that show up in your life like clockwork.

~ Experience a gentle, non-invasive way of hitting the reset button on sluggish or overactive energy in your immune, digestive, circulatory, endocrine, skeletal and nervous systems.

~ Reclaim your ability to sense and appreciate pleasure in the body.

~ Restore calm, peace and greater vitality through your entire being as you energize your body and mind through sound healing frequencies.

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Here's what people are saying about these Sound Healing sessions...

"The group sound healing the other day was amazing! I felt like it really helped shift something deep. And yes, I agree with the invitation to opt out! It finally feels like this is the right time to choose higher and better."

"I experienced a lot during the session - I feel a lot going on in my field. The last note put two huge spirals in my field. Love it! ❤"

"Amazing Kathryn! After 20 minutes, I feel more grounded and aware in my body but lighter than air and so peaceful. Thank you!"

"Beautiful session Kathryn. The body unwound itself with these sounds."

"This tuning fork sound healing is so beautiful Kathryn. I feel lighter through my womb area & heart 🌟 Grateful to receive that. 😊

"I feel like I'm walking on a cloud while being more in my body than I've ever felt. I released energy that I didn't know was blocking me up. Thank You Kathryn!"


Come play! Tune your Sonic Anatomy and feel revitalized!

6 Modules

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 1 ~ Intro and Call 1

Intro Call and Digestive System reset.

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 2 ~ Circulatory System and The Heart

In Tuning the Sonic Anatomy Day 2, we are focused on the Circulatory System.

Your sense of flexibility and flow in life is related to the functioning of the Circulatory System of the body. When it is optimized, you feel in flow with change and open to the adventure of life, willing to take part in the spontaneity of life without blockages that keep energy from moving freely throughout the body.

Since this system is ruled by the Sacral and Heart Chakras and the Element of Water, you may feel 'swamped' by life's challenges and pace, or you may feel like you're 'drowning' in shame or guilt if these chakras are out of balance.

When your energy is ruled by impressions of your past (Samskara), these unfinished energy patterns end up running your life. These stored energies that you don't allow to move create distortions in the heart-- Heart Walls that limit your ability to give and receive love in equal measure, freely and without fear.

When a Samskara is stimulated and released, it is like the opening of a thousand-petaled lotus flower, setting free all of the stored energy that has been blocking the heart, blocking your ability to feel free to enjoy the flow of life!

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 3 ~ Nervous System and The Heart

Today's focus is on the functioning of the Nervous System and particularly where we've forged powerful connections in the neural network of the brain that color our awareness in terms of our emotions, our manifestations, our beliefs, our expectations and our feeling response to ourselves and life in general.

Our Emotional "Tone' in life is orchestrated by the connection between the deepest pathways of neural connection that form our sense of self and the energetic health of the heart, being either open or closed.

When we are in harmony with life, the heart/brain connection functions without blockage, in accord with the flow of changes in life. When we feel at odds with ourselves and with life in general, the emotional tone is incoherent, out of resonant accord with the flow of change in life and our ability to grow emotionally and spiritually is diminished.

Today's focus in on building Heart/Brain Coherence and opening up to building new and much more powerful neural pathways that lead us to embracing life and new possibilities through Sound Healing frequencies.

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 4 ~ Endocrine and the 12 Chakra System Purification

This module explores The Endocrine System and the many glands and hormones that influence every part of the body.  Through the 12 Chakra System, we will practice with listening to the messages of the body and use the Chakra Channels to create a more balanced and vibrant connection between our human and soul selves.

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 5 ~ Immune System and Lymphatic System

In today's class, we focus more on the flow and optimization of the Immune System and its counterpart, The Lymphatic System. Where we get 'stuck' and locked down in our Consciousness through our emotional states, we interrupt the vital flow of the Immune and Lymphatic Systems. Let's get that energy flowing!

Tuning Sonic Anatomy Module 6 ~ The Skeletal System

This class focuses on the structural integrity of the Skeletal System and stimulating the light and piezoelectric quality of the bones.

Modules for this program 6
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 Tuning the Sonic Anatomy
 $ 247.00 USD

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